Joe Face

Joe Face
Joe Face
Virginia Bureau of Financial Institutions

Edward Joseph Face, Jr. (Joe): Face has served as the commissioner of financial institutions for the Virginia State Corporation Commission’s Bureau of Financial Institutions (Bureau) since 1997. The Bureau regulates and supervises over 35,000 financial institutions, licensees and registrants controlling some $125 billion in assets. Face has been with the Bureau since 1979, when he began work as an examiner. He became deputy commissioner of financial institutions in 1993. From 2006-2007, Face served as the Chair for the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS). He has also represented state regulators in numerous groups, committees and coalitions, including the Federal Financial Institution Examination Council (FFIEC), the Federal Reserve Board’s Cross-Sector Umbrella Regulatory Working Group, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network’s (FinCEN) Bank Secrecy Act Advisory Group, and the “Operation Jump$tart Coalition” financial literacy effort. Face received his Bachelor of Science in commerce and business administration from the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama and his Master of Science in administration from Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan.