Video Archive

Charlie Clark
Welcoming Remarks - Charlie Clark
Keynote address by Governor Bowman
Morning Keynote with Governor Bowman
2024 John Ryan Award Winner
John Ryan Award
Elizabeth Magennis
2024 Liz Magennis
Jeff Szyperski
Community Banker Spotlight 2023: Jeff Szyperski, Chesapeake Bank
Community Banker Keynote Jeff Szyperski
Community Banker Keynote Jeff Szyperski
Welcoming Remarks - Lise Kruse
Morning Keynote with Governor Bowman
Welcoming Remarks President Schmid
Jim Fuchs
Fuchs Welcoming Remarks
President Musalem Remarks
President Musalem Opening Remarks
Charlie Clark
Charlie Clark Opening Remarks
2024 CSBS Annual Survey
Governor Bowman
Keynote from Governor Bowman
Research Session 1
Research Session One - Introduction
Greg Nini
Research Session One - Greg Nini
Rohan Williamson
Research Session One - Williamson
Shohini Kundu
Research Session 1 - Shohini Kundu
Dmytro Holod
Research Session One - Holod
T. Corey Neil
Research Session One - T Corey Neil
Research Session 1
Research Session One - QA
Chairman Gruenberg
Chairman Gruenberg
Research Session Two
Research Session Two - Introduction
Edward Kim
Research Session Two - Kim
Mustafa Emin
Research Session Two - Emin
Rajesh Narayanan
Research Session Two - Narayanan
Mary Willis
Research Session 2 - Mary Willis
Matthew Plosser
Research Session 2 - Plosser
Research Session Two
Research Session Two - QA
Antonio Salazar
Case Study Introduction - Antonio Salazar
CSBS Case Study
CSBS Case Study
CSBS Case Study
CSBS Case Study QA
Day One Reflections Carl White
Justin Zimmerman
Justin Zimmerman Remarks
Elizabeth Magennis
Community Banker Conversation - Magennis
Jeff Schmid
Jeff Schmid
Cathy Zhang
Research Session Three Cathy Zhang
Anya Kleymenova
Research Session 3 - Kleymenova
Jacelly Cespedes
Research Session 3 - Cespedes
Research Session 3 - Orv Kimbrough
Anne Beatty
Research Session 3 - Beatty
Research Session 3
Research Session Three - QA
Panel Discussion The Future of the Community Bank Business Model
Panel Discussion The Future of the Community Bank Business Model
2024 John Ryan Award Winner
John W Ryan Award
Banking on Deposit Relationships: Implications for Hold-Up Problems in the Loan Market
Jiakai Checn
Credit Union Expansion and Bifurcation in Local Bank Lending
Introduction Interim President O'Neill Paese
Introduction Jim Fuchs
Welcoming Remarks - Lise Kruse
Welcoming Remarks President Schmid
Morning Keynote with Governor Bowman
Image of Joey Samowitz, Kathleen Navin, and Tom Siems
2023 CSBS Annual Survey Findings
Loutskina Research Session 1
Research Session 1 - Academic Moderator Loutskina
Research Session 1 Gelman
Research Session 1 - Gelman
Kim Research Session 1
Research Session 1 - Kim
Cookson Research Session 1
Research Session 1 - Cookson
Skip Hageboeck Research Session 1
Research Session Community Bank Discussant - Hageboeck
Research Session 1
Research Session 1 - QA
Afternoon Keynote Chairman Gruenberg
Afternoon Keynote Chairman Gruenberg
Sean An
Research Session 2 - Karolyi
Justin Gallagher
Research Session 2 - Gallagher
Oskar Kowaleski
Research Session 2- Kowalewski
Ivan Ivanov
Research Session 2 - Ivanov
Andy Anderson
Research Session 2 - Anderson
Research Paper Session 2
Research Session 2 - QA
CSBS Case Study
CSBS Case Study
CSBS Case Study Faculty
CSBS Case Study Faculty Advisor
Charles Clark
CSBS Case Study - Charles Clark
Day one closing remarks from Senior Vice President Carl White
Day One Closing Remarks
Joe Face
Introduction by Joe Face for Community Banker Keynote
Community Banker Keynote Jeff Szyperski
Community Banker Keynote Jeff Szyperski
Oskar Kowaleski
Research Session 3 - Karolyi
Siddharth Vij
Research Session 3 - Vij
Alexander Wirth
Research Session 3 - Wirth
George Pennacchi
Research Session 3 - Pennacchi
Research Session 3 - Foster
Research Paper Session 3
Research Session 3 - QA
Panel Discussion
Panel Discussion
James Cooper
Closing Remarks from James Cooper
Jing Huang Poster Session
Poster Session Jing Huang
Sydney Kim Poster Session
Poster Session Sydney Kim
Clayton Legear during keynote address
2022 Community Banking Research Conference Highlights
Welcoming remarks
Welcoming Remarks
President Bullard's Welcoming Remarks
Welcoming Remarks President Bullard
Welcoming Remarks from Tom Fite
Welcoming Remarks Tom Fite
Welcoming Remarks Chair Powell
Remarks from Chair Powell
CSBS National Survey  Covington and Siems
National Survey Covington and Siems
CSBS National Survey Samowitz
National Survey Samowitz
Keynote address by Governor Bowman
Keynote by Governor Bowman
Heitz Research Session 1
Research Session 1 Heitz
Weitzner Research Session 1
Research Session 1 Weitzner
Rabetti Research Session 1
Research Session 1 Rabetti
Garufis Research Session 1
Research Session 1 Garufis
Flannery Research Session 1
Research Session 1 Flannery
Question and Answer portion of research session 1
Research Session 1 QA
Keynote featuring Esther George
Special Remarks from Esther George
Keynote address by Chairman Gruenberg
Keynote from Chairman Gruenberg
Huang Research Session 2
Research Session 2 Huang
Langford Research Session 2
Research Session 2 Langford
Li Research Session 2
Research Session 2 Li
Jordan Miller Research Session 2
Research Session 2 Miller
Jiang Research Session 2
Research Session 2 Jiang
Research Session 2 Question and Answer
Research Session 2 QA
Case Study Competition
Case Study Competition
Day one reflections Carl White
Day 1 Reflection Carl White
Community Banker Keynote Clayton Legear
Community Banker Keynote Clayton Legear
Amy Hutton
RS3 Amy Hutton
Oktay Ucran
RS3 Oktay Ucran
Cindy Vojtech
RS3 Cindy Vojtech
Allison Nicoletti
RS3 Allison Nicoletti
Luanne Cundiff
RS3 Luanne Cundiff
FDIC Podcast
Panel Discussion
Lise Kruse
Wrap-up Lise Kruse
Natee Amornsiripanitch
Poster Session Natee Amornsiripanitch
Jennifer Rhee
Poster Session Jennifer Rhee
Jim Fuchs
Welcome: Jim Fuchs
Presentation of Findings from the 2021 CSBS National Survey of Community Banks
Presentation of Findings from the 2021 CSBS National Survey of Community Banks
Bullard Presentation
Bullard Remarks
Bowman Keynote
Governor Bowman Keynote Remarks
Padma Sharma Presentation
Research Paper Session 1: Government Loan Guarantees in a Crisis: Bank Protections from Firm Safety Nets
Sriya Anbil Presentation
Research Paper Session 1:The Effect of the PPPLF on PPP Lending by Commercial Banks
Moderator Greg Udell Presentation
Research Paper Session 1: Academic Moderator Greg Udell
Discussant Krause
Research Paper Session 1: Community Bank Discussant David Krause
Research Paper Session 1
Research Paper Session 1: Q&A
PowerPoint Slide of Taylor's name and title
Research Paper Session 2: Academic Moderator Taylor Begley
Vatsa Presenation
Research Paper Session 2: Do Minority Banks Matter?
Jørring Presentation
Research Paper Session 2: Do Mortgage Lenders Compete Locally? Implications for Credit Access
Discussant Mjartan Presentation
Research Paper Session 2: Community Bank Discussant Dominik Mjartan
Slide listing those presenting during this session
Research Paper Session 2: Q&A
Chairman Jelena McWilliams Keynote Remarks
Carl White
Day 1 Wrap-Up: Carl White
Darrin Williams Keynote
Keynote by Darrin Williams, Southern Bancorp
Susannah Marshall
Keynote Introduction- Susannah Marshall
CSBS Case Study
CSBS Case Study
Parra Presentation Strategically Staying Small: Regulatory Avoidance and the Community Reinvestment Act
Research Paper Session 3: Strategically Staying Small: Regulatory Avoidance and the Community Reinvestment Act
Balyuk Presentation
Research Paper Session 3: Small Bank Financing and Funding Hesitancy in a Crisis: Evidence from the Paycheck Protection Program
Bouwman Presentation
Research Paper Session 3: Academic Moderator Christina Bouwman
Research Paper Session 3: Community Bank Discussant James Nicholson
Research Session 3
Research Paper Session 3: Q&A
Passalacqua Presentation
Research Paper Session 4: The Real Effects of Bank Supervision: Evidence from On-Site Bank Inspections
Tomy Presentation
Research Paper Session 4: The Life Cycle of a Bank Enforcement Action and Its Impact on Minority Lending
CK Lee Title and Organization
Research Paper Session 4: Community Bank Discussant CK Lee
Powerpoint presentation slide with presenter names and title
Research Paper Session 4: Q&A
Joao Santos
Research Paper Session 4: Moderator João Santos
Panel- Future of Commercial Real Estat
John Ryan Wrap-Up
Day 2 Wrap-Up: John Ryan
Shibut Presentation
Determinants of Losses on Construction Loans: Bad Loans, Bad Banks, or Bad Markets?
Ivanov Presentation
Fighting Failure: The Persistent Real Effects of Resolving Distressed Banks
PPT image of Jing Wen's presentation
Mandatory Disclosure and Takeovers: Evidence from Private Banks
National Survey Presentation
Presentation of Findings from the 2020 CSBS National Survey of Community Banks
RP4 Loutskina
Research Paper Session 1: Moderator and Discussant Response
Research Paper Session 1
Research Paper Session1: Q&A
Governor Bowman
Governor Bowman Keynote Remarks
FDIC Chairman McWilliams
McWilliams Keynote Conversation with Diane Ellis
Bullard Presentation
President Bullard and Carl White Post-Plenary Session
Research Paper Session 1
Research Paper Session 1: The Future of Community Banking
RP1 Pogach
Shared Destinies? Small Banks and Small Business Consolidation
RP1 Yom
Bank Entrepreneurs
Lamont Black
Research Paper Session 2: Moderator Lamont Black and Discussant Alden McDonald, Jr.
Research Paper Session 2: Q&A
RP2 Ringo
Research Paper Session 1: “Revitalize or Stabilize”: Does Community Development Financing Work?
The Propagation of Local Credit Shocks: Evidence from Hurricane Katrina
Carl White
Day 1 Wrap-up
Lee Slide
Measurement of Small Business Lending Using Call Reports: Further Insights from the Small Business Lending Survey
Cyberattacks on Small Banks
Cyberattacks on Small Banks
RP3 Mayer
Banks, Household Credit Access and Intergenerational Economic Mobility
RP3 Zhang
Government-Sponsored Wholesale Funding and the industrial Organization of Bank Lending
How Important Is Moral Hazard For Distressed Banks?
Insurance Pricing, Distortions, and Moral Hazard. Quasi-experimental Evidence from Deposit Insurance
Keynote Stewart
Keynote by Laurie Stewart, Sound Community Bank
RP2 Purnanandam
Research Paper Session 3: Moderator and Discussant Response
Research Paper Session 3
Research Paper Session 3: Q&A
RP4 Judge
Research Paper Session 4: Moderator and Discussant Response
Research Paper Session 4: Q&A
2020 Casestudy
2020 CSBS Winning Case Study Presentation: Mississippi State University
Panel Discussion: Community Banking in the Time of COVID-19
John Ryan
Day 2 Wrap-up
Stackhouse Welcome
Welcome: Julie Stackhouse, Executive Vice President, Supervision Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Afdahl Welcome
Welcome: Bret Afdahl Chairman, Conference of State Bank Supervisors Director of Banking, South Dakota Division of Banking
President Jim Bullard Remarks
Welcome: James Bullard, President and CEO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Governor Bowman
Morning Keynote: Michelle Bowman, Governor, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
National Survey
Discussion of The 2019 CSBS National Survey of Community Banks
Research Panel 1 Black
Research Paper Session 1: Who's Holding the Bag? Regulatory Compliance Pressure and Bank Risk-Shifting
Research Paper Session 1:To Ask or Not to Ask? Bank Capital Requirements and Loan Collateralization
Research Paper Session 1:Is There a Benefit from Reduced Regulation on Small Banks?
Ellis and Maley
Research Paper Session 1: Moderator Diane Ellis and Community Discussant Lori Maley
Research Panel1
Research Paper Session 1: Moderated Q&A
Chairman McWilliams
Afternoon Keynote: Jelena McWilliams, Chairman, FDIC
Research Panel 2
Research Paper Session 2: Capital Mobility and Regulation Frictions: Evidence from U.S. Lottery Winners
Research Paper Session 2:Natural Disasters, Loan Loss Accounting and Subsequent Lending
Research Panel 2
Research Paper Session 2: Bank Branching Networks and Geographic Contagion of Oil Price Shocks
Tom Seims
Research Paper Session 2: Moderator Reaction, Thomas Siems, CSBS
Gary Petersen
Research Paper Session 2: Community Bank Discussant Gary Petersen, Chairman, Cornerstone Bank, New Town, N.D.
Research Panel 2
Research Paper Session 2: Moderated Q&A
Research Panel 3
Research Paper Session 3: Risk-shifting, Regulation and Government Assistance
Research Paper Session 3:Deregulation, Market Structure and the Demise of Old School Banking
Research Paper Session 3: Reliance on Third Party Verification in Bank Supervision
Michael Gibson and Panel
Research Paper Session 3: Moderator Reaction Michael Gibson Director, Division of Supervision and Regulation, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Craig Goodlock
Research Paper Session 3: Community Bank Discussant Craig Goodlock, Chairman and CEO, Farmers State Bank of Munith, Munith, Mich.
Research Panel 3 QA
Research Paper Session 3: Moderated Q&A
Case Study Students
2019 CSBS Community Bank Case Study Competition
Julieann Thurlow
Evening Keynote: Julieann Thurlow, President and CEO, Reading Cooperative Bank, Reading, Mass.
President Patrick Harker
Morning Keynote: Patrick Harker, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Paper Session 4
Research Paper Session 4: Small Bank Lending in the Era of Fintech and Shadow Banking: A Sideshow?
Research Paper Session 4: What is Fueling the Fintech Lending Revolution? Local Banking Market Structure and Fintech Market Penetration
Research Paper Session 4: Bank Technology: Productivity and Employment
Traci Mach and Panel
Research Paper Session 4: Moderator Reaction Traci Mach, Principal Economist, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Michael Busch
Research Paper Session 4: Community Bank Discussant Michael Busch, President and CEO, Burling Bank, Chicago, Ill.
Research Paper Session 4 QA
Research Paper Session 4: Moderated Q&A
Panel Discussion: The Future of Funding
John Ryan
2019 Conference Wrap Up: John Ryan, CSBS
Pres Mester Keynote
Opening Keynote Address: Loretta Mester, president and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Welcome Charlotte Corley
Welcoming Remarks: Charlotte Corley, commissioner, Mississippi Department of Banking and Consumer Finance; chairman, Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS)
Stackhouse 2018
Welcoming Remarks: Julie Stackhouse, executive vice president, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Welcome Pres Bullard
Welcoming Remarks: James Bullard, president and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Research Paper Session 1: Did Bank Small-Business Lending in the U.S. Recover After the Financial Crisis?
Research Paper Session 1:How Important are Local Community Banks to Small Business Lending? Evidence from Mergers and Acquisitions
Research Paper Session 1: Remote Competition and Small Business Loans: Evidence from SBA Lending
Research Paper Session 1: Similarities and Differences in Small Business Lending Between Small and Large Banks: Findings from the Small Business Lending Survey
Research Session 1: Moderator Reaction
Research Session 1: Community Bank Discussant, Janet Garufis, chairman and CEO, Montecito Bank and Trust, Santa Barbara, Calif.
Research Paper Session 1: Moderated Q&A
Case Study
2018 CSBS Community Bank Case Study Competition: Introduction, Brett Afdahl, director of banking, South Dakota Division of Banking; chair-elect, Conference of State Bank Supervisiors; Winning Team Eastern Kentucky University
Case Study Q&A
2018 CSBS Community Bank Case Study: Moderated Q&A
Jelena McWilliams
Day One Closing Remarks: Jelena McWilliams, chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
Cuddy Keynote
Evening Keynote Address: Gerard Cuddy, president and CEO, Beneficial Bank, Philadelphia, Pa.
Morning Keynote Address: Randal K. Quarles, Vice Chairman for Supervision, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Quarles QA
Morning Keynote Address: Moderated Q&A
Research Paper Session 2:The Effects of Competition in Consumer Credit Markets
Research Paper Session 2: The Competitive Effects of Megabanks on Community Banks
Research Paper Session 2: Depositors Disciplining Banks: The Impact of Scandals
Research Paper Session 2 Moderator Reaction: Dr. Timothy Koch, University of South Carolina
Research Paper Session 2: Community Bank Discussant, Gilda Nogueira, president and CEO, East Cambridge Savings Bank, Cambridge, Mass.
Session 2 QA
Research Paper Session 2 Moderated QA
Research Paper Session 3: CEO Succession and Performance at Rural Banks
Research Paper Session 3: Stress Testing Community Banks
Research Paper Session 3:Home Biased Credit Allocations
Research Paper Session 3: Technology Investment, Firm Performance and Market Value: Evidence from Banks
Research Paper Session 3: Moderator Reaction, Elizabeth Kiser, associate director and economist, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Research Paper Session 3: Community Bank Discussant, Thomas Hough, CEO, Carrollton Bank, Carrollton, Ill.
Session 3 Q&A
Research Paper Session 3: Moderated Q&A
Survey Results
2018 National Survey of Community Banks: Presentation of Results
Panel Discussion: The Future of Community Banking
Closing Remarks
2018 Conference Wrap Up: John Ryan, CSBS
Welcoming Remarks: Albert Forkner, commissioner, Wyoming Division of Banking; chairman, Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS)
Welcoming Remarks: Julie Stackhouse, executive vice president, Supervision, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Opening Remarks: Janet Yellen, chair, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Research Paper Session 1: Robert DeYoung, University of Kansas (KU) School of Business
Research Paper Session 1: The Effect of Bank Supervision on Risk-Taking: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Research Paper Session 1: Does Bank Supervision Matter? Evidence from Regulatory Office Closures
Research Paper Session 1: Rules and Judgment in the Oversight of Bank Accounting Practice
Research Paper Session 1: Moderator Reaction
Research Paper Session 1: Community Bank Discussant, Martin Birmingham, Five Star Bank, Rochester, Ny.
Research Paper Session 1: Moderated Q&A
2017 CSBS Community Bank Case Study Competition: Introduction, Charlotte Corley, commissioner, Mississippi Department of Banking and Consumer Finance
2017 CSBS Community Bank Case Study Competition: Winning Team, The University of Akron
2017 CSBS Community Bank Case Study Competition: Moderated Q&A
Evening Keynote Address: Cynthia Blankenship, Bank of the West, Grapevine, Texas
Morning Keynote Address: John Williams, president and chief executive officer, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Morning Keynote Address: Q&A
Research Paper Session 2: Core Profitability of Community Banks, 1995-2015
Research Paper Session 2: Competition and Bank Fragility
Research Paper Session 2: Regulatory Asset Thresholds and Acquisition Activity in the Banking Industry
Research Paper Session 2: Community Bank Discussant, Kevin Riley, First Interstate Bank, Billings, Mont.
Research Paper Session 2: Moderator Reaction, Allen Berger, Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina
Research Paper Session 2: Moderated Q&A
Research Paper Session 3: Financial Crises and Filling the Credit Gap: The Role of Government-guaranteed Loans
Research Paper Session 3: The Real Effects of Geographic Lending Disclosure on Banks
Research Paper Session 3: Color and Credit: Race, Regulation and the Quality of Financial Services
Research Paper Session 3: Community Bank Discussant, Peter Schork, Ann Arbor State Bank, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Research Paper Session 3: Moderator Reaction, Tim Yeager, Sam M. Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas
Research Paper Session 3: Moderated Q&A
2017 National Survey of Community Banks: Presentation of Results
Community Banking in the 21st Century: Panel Discussion
Community Banking in the 21st Century: Panel Discussion Q&A
2017 Conference Wrap-Up: John Ryan, CSBS
Day 1 Welcome: Julie Stackhouse, Executive Vice President, Supervision, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Charles G. Cooper, commissioner, Texas Department of Banking
Welcoming Remarks: Charles G. Cooper, commissioner, Texas Department of Banking; chairman, Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS)
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard
Welcoming Remarks: James Bullard, president and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Research Paper Session 1: Moderator Robin A. Prager, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Research Paper Session 1: Is the Traditional Banking Model a Survivor?
Research Paper Session 1: Bank Business Models in the U.S.: Identification, Performance, Risks and Regulation
Research Paper Session 1: Why Banks Matter: Measuring the Impact of Banks on Missouri’s Economy
Research Paper Session 1: The Changing Face of Communities Served by Minority Depository Institutions: 2001 - 2014
Research Paper Session 1: Moderator Reaction
Research Paper Session 1: Community Bank Discussant: William Dana Jr., president and chief executive officer, Central Bank of Kansas City, Kansas City, Mo.
Research Paper Session 1: Moderated Q&A
Afternoon Keynote Address: Charles Evans, president and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Afternoon Keynote Address Q&A: Charles Evans, president and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Research Paper Session 2: Moderator Cynthia L. Course, director, financial institution supervision and credit, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Reserach Paper Session 2: Is Bigger Necessarily Better in Community Banking?
Research Paper Session 2: Bank Size, Compliance Costs and Compliance Performance in Community Banking
Research Paper Session 2: Has the Relationship Between Bank Size and Profitability Changed?
Research Paper Session 2: Moderator Reaction
Research Paper Session 2: Community Bank Discussant: Allan (Al) Landon, general partner, Community BanCapital, Portland, Ore.
Research Paper Session 2: Moderated Q&A
2016 Winning Case Study Presentation
Presentation of Winning Case Study and Video from the 2016 CSBS Community Bank Case Study Competition: Southeastern Louisiana University
2016 CSBS Community Bank Case Study Competition Presentation: Moderated Q&A
Evening Keynote Address: H.E. “Gene” Rainbolt, chairman, BancFirst Corporation, Oklahoma City, Okla.
2016 Morning Keynote Address: Governor Jerome Powell, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Morning Keynote Q&A
Research Paper Session 3: Moderator Todd Vermilyea, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Research Paper Session 3: Did Capital Requirements in the Early 20th Century U.S. Promote Bank Stability?
Research Paper Session 3: Dodd-Frank Federal Deposit Insurance Reform
Research Paper Session 3: Commercial Lending Concentration and Bank Expertise: Evidence from Borrower Financial Statements
Research Paper Session 3: Moderator Reaction
Research Paper Session 3: Community Bank Discussant: Glen Jammaron, vice chairman and president, Alpine Banks of Colorado, Glenwood Springs, Colo.
Research Paper Session 3: Moderated Q&A
2016 National Survey of Community Banks: Presentation of Results
2016 Panel Discussion: Moderator, Melanie Hall, commissioner, Montana Division of Banking and Financial Institutions
2016 Panel Discussion: Lori Bettinger, executive vice president, Alliance Partners; president, BancAlliance
2016 Panel Discussion: Ann Marie Mehlum, associate administrator, U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
2016 Panel Discussion: Richard Sanborn, president and chief executive officer, Seacoast Commerce Bank, San Diego, Calif.
2016 Panel Discussion: Darrin L. Williams, chief executive officer, Southern Bancorp, Inc., Arkadelphia, Ark.
2016 Panel Discussion: How do you see regulatory burden impacting the community banking industry in the short term? Long term?
2016 Panel Discussion: Looking ahead 10 years, what aspects of the community bank business model will undergo the most dramatic change? Which will likely remain unchanged?
2016 Panel Discussion: Moderated Q&A
2016 Conference Wrap-up: Michael Stevens, CSBS
Welcoming Remarks: Julie Stackhouse, senior vice president, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Welcoming Remarks: David J. Cotney, commissioner of banks, Massachusetts Division of Banks; chairman, Conference of State Bank Supervisors
Welcoming Remarks: James Bullard, president and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Opening Remarks: Janet Yellen, chair, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Research Paper Session 1: Moderator Ron Feldman, executive vice president and senior policy advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Research Paper Session 1: Discussant Megan F. Clubb, chairman and chief executive officer, Baker-Boyer National Bank, Walla Walla, Wash.
Research Paper Session 1: The Changing Role of Small Banks in Small Business Lending
Research Paper Session 1: Lending on Main Street: Challenges and Opportunities for Community Banks- Before, During and After the Financial Crisis
Research Paper Session 1: Small Bank Comparative Advantage in Alleviating Financial Constraints and Providing Liquidity Insurance over Time
Research Paper Session 1- How does Farm Credit System Lending Affect Competition in Banking Markets?
Research Paper Session 1: Moderator Reaction
Research Paper Session 1: Q&A
Presentation of Winning Video from CSBS' 2015 Inaugural Community Bank Case Study Competition
2015 Evening Keynote Address: Lael Brainard, governor, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Research Paper Session 2: Moderator Julapa Jagtiani, special advisor, Supervision, Regulation and Credit Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Paper Session 2: Discussant Charles A. Paul, III (Chad Paul), director-member, North Carolina State Banking Commission; managing partner, Harbor Island Partners, LLC, Wilmington, N.C.
Research Paper Session 2: Did the Financial Reforms of the Early 1990s Fail? A comparison of Bank Failures and FDIC Losses in the 1986 – 1992 and 2007 – 2013 Periods
Research Paper Session 2: Financial Performance and Managment Structure of Small, Closely-Held Banks
Research Paper Session 2: How Vulnerable are Agriculturally Concentrated Banks to a Fall in Agricultural Land Values?
Research Paper Session 2: An Historical Loss Approach to Community Bank Stress Testing
Research Paper Session 2: Moderator Reaction
Research Paper Session 2: Moderated Q&A
Research Paper Session 3: Moderator Robin A. Prager, senior adviser, division of research and statistics, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Research Paper Session 3: Discussant Steven A. Brown, president and chief executive officer, Pacific Coast Banker’s Bank (PCBB), Walnut Creek, Calif.
Research Paper Session 3: The State and Fate of Community Banking Video 1
Research Paper Session 3: The State and Fate of Community Banking Video 2
Research Paper Session 3: Accounting for the Decline in the Number of Community Banks since the Great Recession
Research Paper Session 3: The Direct Costs of Bank Compliance around New Regulations for Small and Community Banks
Research Paper Session 3: Post-Crisis Residential Mortgage Lending by Community Banks
Research Paper Session 3: Moderator Reaction
Research Paper Session 3- Moderated QA
Introduction for Keynote Speaker: Charles G. Cooper, commissioner, Texas Department of Banking
2015 Banker Keynote: Reid Ryan, R Bank, Round Rock, Texas
2015 National Survey of Community Banks: Presenation of Results
2015 Panel Discussion: Video 1
2015 Panel Discussion: Video 2
2015 Panel Discussion: Video 3
2015 Panel Discussion: Video 4
2015 Conference Wrap-up
Welcoming Remarks: Julie Stackhouse, executive vice president, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Welcoming Remarks: James Bullard, president, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Welcoming Remarks-Ryan
Welcoming Remarks-Powell
Morning Keynote Address: Esther L. George, president, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Research Paper Session 1: Moderator Ken B. Cyree, Ph.D., Dean and the Frank R. Day/Mississippi Bankers Association Chair of Banking, University of Mississippi School of Business Administration; Director, Mississippi School of Banking
Research Paper Session 1: Panelist Mark Schroeder, chairman and CEO, German American Bank, Jasper, Ind.
Research Paper Session 1: The Entry, Performance and Viability of De Novo Banks
Research Paper Session 1: Where Are All the New Banks? The Role of Regulatory Burden in New Charter Creation
Research Paper Session 1: Rivalry, Market Structure and Innovation: The Case of Mobile Banking
Research Paper Session 1: What Explains Low Net Interest Income at Community Banks?
Research Paper Session 1: Moderator Reaction
Research Paper Session 1: Q&A
Research Paper Session 2: Moderator Richard A. Brown, chief economist and associate director for regional operations, Division of Insurance and Research, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Washington, D.C.
Research Paper Session 2: Panelist David C. Williams, president and CEO, Upper Peninsula State Bank, Escanaba, Mich.
Research Paper Session 2: Assessing Targeted Macroprudential Financial Regulation: The Case of the 2006 Commercial Real Estate Guidance for Banks
Research Paper Session 2: The Impact of Small Business Lending Fund on Community Bank Lending to Small Businesses
Research Paper Session 2-When Bank Examiners Get It Wrong: Financial Institution Appeals of Material Supervisory Determinations
Research Paper Session 2: Moderated Q&A
Research Paper Session 3: Moderator Heidi Mandanis Schooner, Columbus School of Law, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
Research Paper Session 3: Panelist J. Pat Hickman, chairman and CEO, Happy State Bank, Happy, Texas
Research Paper Session 3:How Are Small Banks Faring Under Dodd-Frank?
Research Paper Session 3: Did the JOBS Act Benefit Community Banks? A Regression Discontinuity Study
Research Paper Session 3: A Tiered System of Regulation is Needed To Preserve the Viability of Community Banks and Reduce the Risks of Megabanks
Research Paper Session 3: Federal Policy, Market Failures and the Challenge for Community Banks
Research Paper Session 3: Moderated Q&A
Inroduction for Keynote Speaker: Candace A. Franks, CSBS Chairman and Arkansas Commissioner of Banks
Evening Keynote Address: Rebeca Romero Rainey, chair & CEO Centinel Bank, Taos, New Mexico
2014 Community Banker Town Hall Survey Presentation of Results
The Future of Community Banking: Moderator Lamont Black, assistant professor of finance, Driehaus College of Business, DePaul University Chicago, Ill.
The Future of Community Banking: Panel Video 1
The Future of Community Banking: Panel Video 2
The Future of Community Banking: Panel Video 3
The Future of Community Banking: Panel Video 4
The Future of Community Banking: Panel Q&A
Closing Remarks: Julie Stackhouse, senior vice president of the St. Louis Fed’s Banking Supervision and Regulation division
Welcoming Remarks: Julie Stackhouse, senior vice president, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Welcoming Remarks: John Ryan, president and CEO, Conference of State Bank Supervisors
Welcoming Remarks: James Bullard, president, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Opening Remarks: Ben Bernanke, chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
Research Paper Session 1: Moderator Scott E. Hein, Robert C. Brown Chair in Finance, Rawls College of Business, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas
Research Paper Session 1: Do Community Banks PLay a Role in New Firm Survival?
Research Paper Session 1: Equipment Leasing and Financing: The Role of Community Banks
Research Paper Session 1: Equipment Leasing and Financing: The Role of Community Banks Video 2
Research Paper Session 1: Small Business Lending and Social Capital: Are Rural Relationships Different?
Research Paper Session 1: Bank Failure, Relationship Lending and Local Economic Performance
Research Paper Session 1: Moderated Q&A
Evening Keynote Address: Dorothy A. Savarese, chairman, president and CEO of Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank, Orleans, Mass.
Research Paper Session 2: Moderator Richard A. Brown, chief economist and associate director for regional operations, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., Washington, D.C.
Research Paper Session 2: Financial Derivatives at Community Banks
Research Paper Session 2: Lessons from Community Banks that Recovered from Financial Distress
Research Paper Session 2: Performance of Community Banks in Good Times and Bad Times: Does Management Matter?
Research Paper Session 2: The Effect of Distance on Community Bank Performance Following Acquisitions and Reorganizations
Research Paper Session 2: Moderated Q&A
Research Paper Session 3: Moderator Lamont Black, assistant professor of finance, Driehaus College of Business, DePaul University, Chicago, Ill.
Research Paper Session 3: Estimating Changes in Supervisory Standards and Their Economic Effects
Research Paper Session 3: The Impact of Dodd-Frank on Community Banks
Research Paper Session 3: Capital Regulation at Community Banks: Lessons from 400 Failures
Research Paper Session 3: A Failure to Communicate: The Pathology of Too Big to Fail
Research Paper Session 3: Moderator Wrap-up
Research Paper Session 3: Moderated Q&A
Afternoon Keynote Address: Governor Jerome Powell, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Presentation of Results from Town Hall: Presenter Mike Stevens, senior executive vice president, Conference of State Bank Supervisors
Community Banking in the 21st Century Panel: Moderator Charles A. Vice, CSBS chairman and Kentucky Department of Financial Institutions commissioner
Community Banking in the 21st Century: Opportunities, Challenges and Perspectives- Panelist Curt Hecker, president and CEO, Panhandle State Bank, Sandpoint, Idaho
Community Banking in the 21st Century: Opportunities, Challenges and Perspectives- Panelist Bobby P. Martin, chairman of the board, The Peoples Bank, Ripley, Miss.
Community Banking in the 21st Century: Opportunities, Challenges and Perspectives- Panelist Thomas E. Spitz, chief executive officer, Settlers Bank, Windsor, Wis.
Community Banking in the 21st Century: Opportunities, Challenges and Perspectives- Panelist Claire W. Tucker, president and CEO, CapStar Bank, Nashville, Tenn.
Community Banking in the 21st Century:Opportunities Challenges and Perspectives- Panel Q&A
Closing Remarks: Julie Stackhouse, senior vice president, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Liz Magennis, President, ConnectOne Bank
Community Banker Spotlight 2024: Elizabeth Magennis, ConnectOne Bank
Jeff Szyperski
Community Banker Spotlight 2023: Jeff Szyperski, Chesapeake Bank
Dave Hanson President and CEO American State Bank and Trust Williston, N.D.
Community Banker Spotlight 2019: Dave Hanson, American State Bank and Trust
Community Banker Spotlight 2019: Buddy Mortimer, Bank of Kilmichael
Lori Maley
Community Banker Spotlight 2019: Lori Maley, Bank of Bird-in-Hand
Community Banker -VT
Community Banker Spotlight 2018: Daniel Yates, Brattleboro Savings and Loan
Dylan Clarkson, Pioneer Bank and Trust
Community Banker Spotlight 2018: Dylan Clarkson, Pioneer Bank and Trust
tom Hough
Community Banker Spotlight 2018: Tom Hough, Carrollton Bank
Community Banker Spotlight 2017: Chuck Mausbach, Frandsen Financial Corporation
Community Banker Spotlight 2017: Lee McCann, Sabine State Bank
Community Banker Spotlight 2017: Craig Reeves, FNB New Mexico
John V. Evans Jr., D.L. Evans Bank
Community Banker Spotlight 2016: John V. Evans Jr., D.L. Evans Bank
Joe Kesler, First Montana State Bank
Community Banker Spotlight 2016: Joe Kesler, First Montana Bank
Gene Rainbolt
Community Banker Spotlight 2016: H.E. "Gene" Rainbolt, BancFirst
Claire Tucker, CapStar Financial Holdings
Community Banker Spotlight 2016: Claire Tucker, CapStar Financial Holdings
Community Banker Spotlight 2015: John W. Jay, Roscoe State Bank
Community Banker Spotlight 2015: Chris Oddliefson, Rockland Trust
Community Banker Spotlight 2015: Scott Page, CoBiz Bank
Community Banker Spotlight 2015: Gary L. Tice, First Florida Integrity Bank
Jim Watson, Midwest BankCentre
Community Banker Spotlight 2015: Jim Watson, Midwest BankCentre
2023 Joe Face
North Dakota Commissioner Lise Kruse
2019 Commissioner Perspectives: Lise Kruse of the North Dakota Department of Financial Institutions
Charlotte Corley, Mississippi Department of Banking and Consumer Finance
Commissioner Perspectives 2019: Charlotte Corley, Mississippi Department of Banking and Consumer Finance
Commissioner Perspectives 2017: Mike Rothman, Minnesota Department of Commerce
Commissioner Perspectives 2017: Christopher Moya, New Mexico Financial Institutions Division
2017 - The Importance of Community Banking
Commissioner Perspectives 2017: John Ducrest, Louisiana Office of Financial Institutions
Gavin M Gee, Idaho Department of Finance
Commissioner Perspectives 2016: Gavin M. Gee, Idaho Department of Finance
Greg Gonzales
Commissioner Perspectives 2016: Greg Gonzales, Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions
Melanie Hall, Montana Division of Banking and Financial Institutions
Commissioner Perspectives 2016: Melanie Hall, Montana Division of Banking and Financial Institutions
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Community Banking: In Your Community and Beyond
Mick Thompson
Commissioner Perspectives 2016: Mick Thompson, Oklahoma Banking Department
2017 Commissioner Commentary - Utah
2017 Commissioner Commentary - Hawaii
2017 Commissioner Commentary - Kentucky
2018 Community Banking in the 21st Century Conference Highlights
2017 Community Banking in the 21st Century Conference Highlights
2016 Community Banking in the 21st Century Conference Highlights
2015 Conference Highlights Video, Janet Yellen, Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
2015 Community Banking in the 21st Century Conference Highlights
2014 Conference Highlights Video, The Future of Community Banking Discussion Panel
2014 Community Banking in the 21st Century Conference Highlights
2013 Conference Highlights Video, Ben Bernancke Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
2013 Community Banking in the 21st Century Conference Highlights
2018 Community Bank Case Study Competition Finalist
2017 University of Akron Case Study
2016 CSBS Community Bank Case Study Competition Highlights
2016 Case Study Highlights
2016 Winning Case Study Presentation
2016 Winner's Presentation: Southeastern Louisiana University
Southeastern Louisiana University Case Study Video
2016 Southeastern Louisiana University Case Study
2016 University of Arkansas, Competition Participant
2016 University of Wyoming, Competition Participant
2016 Concordia College, Competition Participant
2015 University of Utah, Competition Participant and 1st Place Winner