Mikael Homanen

Mikael Homanen
Mikael Homanen
Cass Business School, City, University of London
Ph.D. candidate, Finance

Mikael Homanen is a PhD Candidate in Finance at Cass Business School in London. His research focuses on the intersection of externalities and financial markets with a further focus on banking and investor ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) policies. He recently visited the Wharton School and Singapore Management University. He is an advisor to an ESG fund and has also worked at the World Bank's Development Economics Research Group (DECRG). His recent research examines depositor activism induced by bank scandals, global corporate governance practices and he is involved in projects examining the effectiveness of investor engagement, which is funded by the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI). He completed his MPHil in Finance as well as BSc at Tilburg University in the Netherlands.