Charles Vice

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Charles A Vice
Kentucky Department of Financial Institutions

Charles A. Vice was appointed commissioner of the Kentucky Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) in August 2008. As the commissioner of DFI, Vice has responsibility for the regulatory oversight of all state-chartered financial institutions, which includes examinations, licensing of financial professionals, registration of securities and enforcement. Vice currently serves in a national leadership role through the CSBS. In May 2013, Vice was named chairman of the CSBS governing board. Vice also currently serves on the Federal Financial Institution Examination Council Taskforce on Supervision, which oversees guidance regarding safety and soundness issues relating to bank examinations. Previously, Vice was an employee of the FDIC for 18 years, serving in the Lexington, Ky., field office. During his tenure with the FDIC, Vice served as the office’s expert on subprime lending and capital markets. His awards have included the 2007 FDIC Chicago Region employee of the year. He earned a bachelor’s degree in finance from the University of Southern Mississippi in 1990.